January 31, 2019

Job Prospects on the Rise for People with Disabilities

Finding and keeping a job is a struggle for many individuals living with disabilities. However The Wall Street Journal recently reports economic and policy trends are changing the picture for people who are motivated to work with a disability.

With employment opportunities on the rise, former workers with disabilities have better chances of landing a job and improving their quality of life. The outcome is twofold: individuals with disabilities can rediscover purpose for themselves as they earn a paycheck, and employers access an untapped source of skilled labor.

Allsup Employment Services is committed to being part of the solution for people with disabilities and employers. Our specialists provide vital help for job candidates who are ready to return to work with a disability. AES helps Social Security Disability Insurance recipients to effectively use the Social Security Administration’s Ticket to Work program. Former workers receiving SSDI get free resources and support to return to work while maintaining disability benefits.

To get started with your return to work, visit AllsupEmploymentServices.com.

To learn more about the dual purpose of SSDI and your eligibility for SSDI benefits, take the free assessment now.

To read, “America’s Hidden Workforce Returns”, click here.

Written by

Aaron Speropoulos