Getting Started With Your Initial VA Claim And Working With Allsup
Following is helpful information for you to begin your initial claim for benefits with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs. Once you have received a VA decision on your initial claim, this is when our VA-Accredited Claims Agents will be able to assist. If you have received a VA decision that you don’t agree with, call us.VA Claims Eligibility
Learning about eligibility
- You may be eligible for VA Compensation (service-connected disability) benefits if the VA finds you have a disease, injury or condition that resulted from service or was made worse during your military service.
- You can also claim conditions that are being caused or aggravated by service-related conditions as secondary:
- Example: Irritable bowel syndrome secondary to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
Guidance To Help With Your Initial VA Claim
Please use official VA forms to file your claim.
Any disabilities you have today that are related to your time on active duty should be claimed using the VA Form 21-526EZ (print or online).
VA will obtain your service treatment records and any federal records that you identify in your claim, such as records from the Social Security Administration.
In general, you need to submit:
VA Form 21-526EZ.
Private medical records OR completed VA Form 21-4142 for VA to obtain your records.
Supportive VA Forms if they apply to your claims.
Optional: lay/buddy statements, nexus statements, DBQs if they apply to your claims.
To File Your Initial Application
Claims Intake Center
PO Box 4444
Janesville, WI 53547-4444
Access To More VA Benefits And Services
Depending on your benefits approval for a service-connected disability, you may be entitled to additional VA benefits and services, including:
- Veteran Readiness and Employment (VR&E) services, which help with job training, employment accommodations, resume development, and job skills coaching.
- Some level of VA healthcare coverage.
- VA Home Loan funding fee exemption.
Allsup Veterans Disability Appeal Services® Is Here To Help
If you file your claim with the VA and get an unfavorable decision, you can Trust Allsup To Tell Your Story™ during the appeals process.
Please contact us at
VA Disability Appeal FAQs
Appealing your VA claim can be demanding, but Allsup’s VA-Accredited Claims Agents can help you break through the obstacles. Here are some frequently asked questions with more information about VA disability benefits and the appeal process.