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Denied Veterans Disability Benefits?

Trust Allsup To Tell Your Story™

If the government has denied your claim for a service-connected disability, Allsup Veterans Disability Appeal Services® can help. We are veteran-owned and many of our appeals experts are veterans, too. We understand your situation, and will be with you every step of the way to assist you in getting the veterans benefits you deserve for serving our country.

Request a Call from an Allsup Veterans Disability Expert

Completing this form will send an email to our experts, who will respond to your request for a phone call as soon as possible.

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We’re available to talk Monday through Friday, 7:00 am to 5:30 pm CT
or you can request a call by filling out the form.

Trust Allsup To Tell Your Story. Here’s Why.

  • 10+ Years Helping Veterans

  • 1900+ Positive Appeals Through The VA

  • 95%* Success Rate

*For those who complete the process with us.

Allsup’s VA-Accredited Claims Agents Help When You:

  • Have been denied service connection for a disability.
  • Want to disagree with a recent rating decision.
  • Need to file a:

    • Supplemental Claim: VA Form 20-0995
    • Higher Level Review: VA Form 20-0996
    • Notice of Disagreement: VA Form 10182

What Our Customers Are Saying

The Allsup Advantage With Your VA Disability Appeal:

  • We provide guidance throughout the appeal process and the complicated set of options, in order to help you understand what to expect and choose your path.
  • We ensure that the VA has all the necessary and accurate information needed to make an informed decision about your appeal.
  • We collect and update medical information and evidence to prove your service-connected disability.
  • We maintain interactions and contact with the VA to follow your appeal throughout the process – even if it takes a long time.
Army Veteran Woman talking with friend

With VA Benefits, You Benefit

Allsup VA-accredited claims agents can guide your way through the VA disability appeals process and give you a better chance at claiming valuable benefits like these:


Regular monthly income from benefits payments


Healthcare & services between jobs and after retirement


Possible spouse and dependent benefits


Additional benefits based on your VA rating