Apply For Disability Benefits If You Have Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is the third most-common cancer in the U.S. This year, an estimated 238,340 adults (117,550 men and 120,790 women) in the U.S. will be diagnosed with lung cancer. The 5-year relative survival rate for all types of lung cancer in the U.S. is 23%. If you’ve been diagnosed with lung cancer, you may be eligible for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI). Take our quick, easy quiz to see if you qualify.
Are you struggling to get approved for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) with lung cancer? Check out these 3 tips to increase your chances of approval.
The average cost of chemotherapy drugs for lung cancer can range from $1,000 up to $12,000 for each monthly dose. For one year of chemotherapy treatment, the total cost of the drugs alone can total up to $50,000. Allsup can help.
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*For those who complete the process with us.